Author: Charlotte Reid

  • Media City package

    In early October I won a competition, courtesy of writing an essay with a funny joke at the end, to visit Media City. This is a development in Salford Quays, Manchester where the BBC will be moving in 2011. Five departments, including children’s and Five Live, will move up to the north away from London. My impressions…

  • Desperate times, desperate measures

    According to the media we have no jobs and no future to look forward to. Mark Winter, a graphic designer, found himself in this position when he was made redundant. However, instead of sending CVs to anyone and everyone or popping down to the local Job Centre, Mark turned to Facebook. As the group “The…

  • Lego adventures continued

    Whilst Philip Corsius has made a hobby out of making small Lego figures, designer Christina Fallah has gone from one extreme to the other as she was involved in a huge Lego project. In 2009, as part of James May’s Toy Stories series, a Lego house was created. It was two-storeys tall, built by a…

  • Lego adventures

    Lego is very much the playtoy of children and adults alike as Mr Spielbrick has made a hobby out of creating characters from popular culture out of Lego.