Tag: Rock Paper Scissors
Mad Hatter’s Tea Party
The cafe and craft shop Rock Paper Scissors in Lincoln, held a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Wednesday, May 8th as part of the arts festival Lincoln Inspired. I am working on a piece about the Alice in Wonderland inspired gathering for my Siren FM radio show Food for Thought to go out next week.…
Crafty cakes and James Martin
This week on Food for Thought I interviewed the people behind Lincoln’s crafterie and cafe shop, Rock Paper Scissors, and also a chat with the celebrity chef James Martin. Sound interesting? Then you can listen to the podcast here: [audio:http://clreid.com/food/FOOD%20FOR%20THOUGHT%2027TH%20FEB-PODCAST.mp3] Rock Paper Scissors Something a little bit different has recently opened up on Lincoln’s High…