Author: Charlotte Reid
Crafty cakes and James Martin
This week on Food for Thought I interviewed the people behind Lincoln’s crafterie and cafe shop, Rock Paper Scissors, and also a chat with the celebrity chef James Martin. Sound interesting? Then you can listen to the podcast here: [audio:] Rock Paper Scissors Something a little bit different has recently opened up on Lincoln’s High…
Guardian TV tweet along
All week the Guardian’s TV section have been using their Twitter account to tweet their evening of telly watching. As well as a chance to review shows in 140 characters it has been an opportunity to chat to people who are all watching the same telly at the same time. Then the morning after all…
Chef James Martin on UK meat scandal
“The one positive that’s come out of this, its highlighted the fact that we really need to understand what we’re eating and sadly nowadays we’re becoming a nation of convenience and convenience food and we don’t really care where stuff comes from. “When stuff gets highlighted like this … now we’re worried about it.” —…
Windmills and takeaway cake
On this week’s programme I find out about an alternative takeaway company in Lincoln called Crunchie Munchies. I also have a tour of the Ellis Mill to see how flour is made. Listen to this week’s show here: [audio:] Crunchie Munchies I have been presenting Food for Thought for almost a year and every week…
Ellis Mill in Lincoln
I got the chance to go up the Ellis Mill in Lincoln at the weekend. It was all for my radio show and I managed to get a couple of nice pictures too.
Welcome to America
Helpfully for my food show a new restaurant has just opened up in Lincoln. Ribs’n’Bibs wants to bring the American food and dining experiencing to the city. I met up with the manager Adam Wallhead to talk about how they came up with the idea of the restaurant. Also a number of the places I…